Religious Corner



In the Holy Al - Quran, drugs is associated with the word of "Khamr". Khamr word comes from the word "yakhmur" which is to cover, hide or to be protected. Thus, the word refers extensively Khamr to life or biological function of a substance which close or eliminate the function of reason and the human mind. Islam prohibits the consumption of drugs because did not want his people fall into a humble way of life and to ensure continuity of human life is preserved. Law and the prohibition of drugs is clearly illegal in Islam based on the proposition that refers to the alcohol. In the Quran, it is mention about the prohibition of alcoholic drinks and the evidence of this ban is based on the texts (the Qur'an and the Hadith) as it is the substance that makes people drunk and loss their balance as Allah mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 195:

"And do not throw yourselves into destruction".

Buddhism .
According Parabhava Sutta, the Buddha believes that:

” Drunkenness and drug addiction is the cause for ones downfall.”

“He who is addicted to women, to drugs, to gambling and squanders whatever he earns will cause his own downfall”

Christianity .
Christianity also prohibits drug where they have argued that the accommodation of drug addicts can be separated from the real world. Accommodation will also worsen personal drug and prevents us to deal with personal problems and poor natural environment.

"God has invited us to shape a community and of justice or love. Therefore this requires That we Develop our potential as fully as Possible and Muster as much consciousness as we can. Choose live then, so That you and your descendants may live. "(Deut. 30.19)