
History of smoking

The earliest humans in the world that smoking is the Indian tribes in the United States. They smoke to revere gods or spirits.
In 16th century, when European nations finds American continent, a part of European were influenced to take up smoking and then take tobacco in Europe then smoking habits was appeared among European nobility. Compared to Indian, the European smoking just for pleasure.
In the 17th century, Spanish traders brought cigarettes to Turkeys and from that moment, it continues spread to other Islamic countries.

Causes of smoking.

Influenced by others.
Lack of knowledge about danger of smoking.
Believe that smoking can reduce stress as well.

Bad effects of smoking.

Can expose to drugs.

Lead to dangerous diseases.

Waste of money.

Babies born to women who smoke are more likely to have certain birth defects, like a cleft lip or cleft palate.

Diseases that caused by smoking.
heart disease
cancers of the lung,
larynx, oral cavity
chronic bronchitis
chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD or COLD)